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Other than the main perk of lowering your home’s humidity, there are several other ways you could benefit from using an air dehumidifier. Read on to learn how portable dehumidifiers work and how to choose one for your space with this helpful guide from Ace.

How Do Home Dehumidifiers Work?

Most dehumidifiers for houses use a refrigeration system to lower humidity levels and condense excess moisture from the air. Moisture is drawn into the dehumidifier through the force of an internal fan and compressor, then stored in its reservoir. The collected moisture will remain in the reservoir until you empty it unless the unit has been installed direct-to-drain.

Some models also have added features to provide superior comfort. Some dehumidifier features in our collection include:

  • Adjustable humidistats
  • Automatic defrost control
  • Automatic shut-off and restart
  • Electronic control pads
  • Comfort options to regulate humidity
  • Water-level windows to monitor the bucket
  • Direct-to-drain installation compatibility
  • Integrated handles for easy transport

Air Dehumidifier Types and Sizes

A home dehumidifier's size is measured by its overall capacity to remove moisture. Consider the size of the room where you plan to use the dehumidifier when selecting the right type for your needs. If you know your square footage, you can shop for a dehumidifier that fits your space’s requirements.

For example, a mini dehumidifier with a capacity of 300 to 500 square feet may be an ideal solution for smaller rooms or even studio apartments. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a crawl space or basement dehumidifier, options with a capacity ranging from 1,500 to 3,000 square feet may better suit your needs.

Benefits of a Room Dehumidifier

If moisture is a problem in your home, a dehumidifier can help guard against a variety of risks. An air dehumidifier also helps to promote a more comfortable atmosphere that's free of a muggy or clammy feeling. Since dry air feels cooler, a portable dehumidifier can also help to supplement your air conditioning. 

Below are just a few additional benefits of using a dehumidifier:

  • Combat common allergens: Allergens like dust mites, mildew, and mold require a certain level of humidity to thrive. Keeping your humidity level below 60 percent can make your space less hospitable to allergy triggers like these and help you better manage your allergy symptoms.
  • Prevent mold and mildew: Indoor areas that are most susceptible to mold and mildew growth include bathrooms, kitchens, basements, and other spaces where damp conditions exist. Running a dehumidifier regularly in spaces like these could help to prevent mold or mildew problems.
  • Maintain structural integrity: Excess moisture can lead to the risk of infrastructural damage. Failing to maintain a drier environment might lead to major problems such as buckling floorboards and rotting support beams.

Shop Air Dehumidifiers at Ace

Whether you need a dehumidifier for the basement, a small dehumidifier for the kitchen, or a model to support your entire home, Ace Hardware has you covered. Browse our large selection of air dehumidifiers from top brands like Perfect Aire and Eva-Dry today. Then, explore other air quality products in our inventory like moisture absorbers to help improve your home.