Metal Fence Posts (113 items found)



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A well-built chain link fence can last for years, but to make it solid and secure, you need to start by using high-quality components. At Ace Hardware, we stock a wide range of metal fence posts to give your project a strong foundation for building both lightweight and flexible chicken wire fences or sturdy field fences for your needs.

Different Types of Metal Fence Posts

Fence posts come in a variety of types to suit specific projects. Ace carries everything from line posts, U-posts, terminal posts and more. Find out more about how each type of fence post we carry can help you complete your DIY fence project.

Line Posts 

Line posts are the standard type of chain link fence post and support your fencing material when spaced evenly throughout the length of the fence. Place line posts a maximum of ten feet apart to give full support to the chain link fabric.

Ace stocks line posts in a range of heights, made from galvanized steel for rust-free durability. They're strong enough to support heavy gauge chain link fabric for greater security.

Steel U-Posts 

U-posts are a type of line post with a U-shaped cross-section, making them easy to install in the earth while staying sturdy under pressure. They're fitted with studs along the spine to help keep the chain link taut. At Ace, you can find steel u-posts in a range of heights to suit your specific project.


T-posts are like U-posts but with a T-shaped cross-section instead of a U-shaped cross-section. They're easier to drive into the ground and are greater for handling lighter loads. T-posts work well for temporary, movable fencing or fences that don't need to provide a high level of security.

Fence Corner Post

As the name suggests, a fence corner post is placed where your fence needs to turn a corner. To make this easier, corner posts are made with two sets of fittings, usually at a 90-degree angle. We carry galvanized steel corner posts in sizes to match our standard steel line posts for greater project accessibility.

Terminal Posts 

A terminal post is the main load-bearing section of the fence, providing the stability to keep the fabric straight and vertical. Terminal posts are normally either placed at the corners or ends of a fence or at a gate section.

Shop Essential Fence Post Kits and Accessories at Ace

In addition to a variety of fence posts, Ace also stocks fence post kits and accessories to make completing tough projects even easier.

  • Fence Post Kit: Our fence post kits contain the bits and pieces you need for a successful DIY project, including post caps, rail ends, brace bend, tension bands and nuts and bolts.
  • Chain Link Fence Tension Bar: A chain link fence tension bar is fitted next to the terminal post, securely attaching the chain link fabric and holding it firmly in place.
  • Fence Gates: Fence gates allow access through the fence without reducing its strength or fabric tension. We sell adjustable gates to fit chain link fences of different sizes. Made from heavy-duty steel, our gates combine function and durability for long-lasting use.

Once you’ve figured out your chain link fence, consider other fencing options that may be right for your home. Wood stakes can be used to promote healthy tree and vegetation growth to complement your new fence, while an automatic gate system is great for high-traffic loads as it offers increased security and convenience. If you have questions on any fencing or hardware topic, head for your local Ace store where our friendly staff can give expert, easy-to-follow advice.